Sunday, September 21, 2008


I bought this photo this morning at the Black Dog coffee shop in Lowertown next to the Farmers Market. The photographer is named Mike Hazard, and he currently has a show at the Black Dog. He can be reached here. I'm especially fond of this picture, but he has a lot of other good ones of the Farmers Market and so on. Not the Farmers Market under fire, but lovely vegetables.

I think that I shall never see
a cop in riot gear as lovely as a zucchini.

The photo is named Taunt. I'm not sure who is taunting whom. Maybe the kid's pose is a taunt. Per Mike, this is the kid who ended with stomp prints and abrasions on his torso. I mentioned him in a previous post.

Do I know Mike? No, but I had to ask him for permission to use the picture on my blog.

You can see more of Mike's photography, including some very nice yellow summer squash, by following the link above, and this will get you to Mike's videos, including an interview with Jerome Leibling, the photographer I talked about in a previous post.

I guess I haven't gotten over the RNC. I will work on it some more.


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